Cabra's features
FlashcardsCreate flashcards (with images, if you like) and study them at your own pace. Cabra's advanced algorithm schedules personalized and effective studying sessions for you. |
Empower your brainCabra uses the powerful Leitnerian Algorithm when you're studying, ensuring you get the most studying done in the least amount of time. |
NotesJot down your thoughts or class notes using the integrated Notes feature. You can add images or highlighting to help you remember the most important information. |
Dress up CabraDress up your Cabra with over a dozen colorful themes, which you can unlock by using Cabra. |
Online projectsMake your life easier by downloading projects made by others online. Learn history, geography, and more - without creating a single flashcard. |
Super easyCabra packs a lot of power, but it has a clean, intuitive interface and is very easy to use. You don't have to be a whiz to use Cabra, though Cabra will make you into one. |
Great for studentsCreate flashcards on any subject imaginable (and then some), print them, and share them with your friends. Cabra was developed by a high school student who knows what students want and need. |
Great for kidsKids love the ease of use, colors, and cute mascot of Cabra; parents love the education they get out of it. Teach your kids Spanish, French, and German using Cabra's online projects! |
Eco-friendlySave the earth (and your wallet): stop using wasteful paper note cards and use Cabra for all your flashcard needs. If you need physical flashcards, you can use Cabra to print them out. |
Cost: $0.00Cabra is, and always will be, free as in free speech and free goats. After all, the best things in life are free. |